So I haven't gone shopping in about a week. So I have been making lunches for the boys and I ran out of bread and forgot to buy more. So yesterday I went to the store in the morning and just buy lunchables for them and do my shopping later. So I just ran in an had my keys and debit card. Then I went to take the boys to the bus and head over to Moe's and watch her kids so after I left to get the boys from the bus (yes I spent all day over there) and noticed that I forgot to get gas. So I picked them up and headed over to Costco for gas and couldn't find my debit card so I search everywhere and think "maybe its at home" but then think I didn't go home. So I get really frustrated and decide to pray about it and get real help. Well I normally get a nice warm feeling after I pray even if I don't get an answer but this time I got a worse feeling so I figured I lost it and some one had it, spending all my money. So I decided to go to Fry's and look around. Well I asked if someone turned it in and THEY DID!!! I cried for 10 min in my car. Mean while, my kids where asking why I was crying, "You found it, why are you crying" says Jacob. But at least I have it.
Then here are pics of Jason's garden fence. He has been working on it for about a week and yesterday he got it done. He also spent two days just pulling weeds to clear out the area. He is also thinking about painting it yellow.

Then this is Gilli sitting on the potty just helping herself. She was very specific about how to get on the potty too. She had to give me her book and crown then get on the potty and then have me give her her book and put her crown back on, then she could sit and read....which is all she does right now she doesn't actually go potty but at least she will sit there. Savannah was afraid of it for the longest time.

Then here is my bag that I made with Moe. We made basically the same purse but with our own little touches. Like the embroidery at the end and the pockets are a bit different. I was going to blog this on my craft blog but nobody reads it and I really am proud of it. These are bags we made to take to church so all our stuff could be organized and we were not looking for stuff on Sunday morning or Saturday night. So there are my interesting days lately.

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