I know you know when someone gets old that eventually they will pass away but still I thought for some reason Hinckley would live a lot longer. I just didn't want him to be gone. I just think of him as President and now I'm just sad. He was such a great man. I will miss his great talks and wisdom and his smile.
Our family was very sad as well.
We are happy though to celebrate his life.
I have seen some people who have said that in his honor they are going to re-read the Book of Mormon. Personally I plan to read "You've Got to Stand for Something."
I have been thinking about this for a while. I had talked to Shaun about it just recently telling him I didn't know how I was going to be...I don't know any other prophet...he was my prophet. KWIM? I will miss him but know he is in a better place with his wife who has been waiting paiently for his work on the earth to be done.
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