Monday, October 10, 2011

Green Doily

Okay, well this doily was a BIG mistake to make. I looked at the picture and it looked small and I looked at the pattern and "saw" it was only 11 rounds so I decided to make it. Then messed up around round 6 and didn't notice until round 7 and had to take out both rounds. Then I got to round 11 and only had half my pineapples done and realized it was really 21 rounds. Poo! So now I was frustrated and had to decide either take out 11 rounds of hard work or keep going on a doily I thought was smaller and easier to make... So I kept going and messed up 3 more times, POO!, having to take out 2 rounds each time I messed up. Then as I got to the last round I noticed I didn't have much thread left and almost ran out of thread on this doily. POO! But its done and twice as large as I originally thought and I don't really like it anymore and
wonder if I should have just quit when I got to round 11? oh well its tied off, starched and done!

12 1/2 inches

1 comment:

melissa Love said...

This is amazing. So beautiful.

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