Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Now I remember...

I keep telling Jason
I hate cleaning, and laundry and schedules and mundane things. But about a two weeks ago I decided to start decluttering and get organized. So I did it and (already blogged about it) then I realized something...its not that I hate cleaning on organizing it that I hate that that's all I think about when I clean and organize I was trying to sleep and all I kept thinking was .... I need to clean the phone cabinet, crochet stuff, laundry room, closet, dresser, bathroom drawers, movies, kids rooms, carport, .....the list went on and on and then I was getting ready for church and I went to the closet to get dressed and started cleaning up the shoes and then thought "stop" I need to get ready for church. Then I went to the bathroom and started cleaning the drawers. Then Jason came in and said its after 11 we should leave but Gillian isn't dressed and Jeremiah isn't dressed what are you doing ...I was cleaning, not getting ready but cleaning. Then driving to church and I was thinking I need to do dishes when I get home... and I really should do a load of laundry even though its Sunday...maybe I could paint the hall or clean out the laundry room....



Monique said...

Aww, another cleaning obsessed person. I feel normal! :)

Anonymous said...

You need a vacation. Just don't think at all and maybe that will help. Oh Yeah... We CAN'T!! You can come to my house if you want. We have lots of areas that need to be cleaned up. Monique knows very well.

H said...

Obsessions can sometimes be good. I'd say keep it up while you can, then move on. My obsessions don't usually last long enough to make a difference, so lap it up baby!

H said...

Obsessions can sometimes be good. I'd say keep it up while you can, then move on. My obsessions don't usually last long enough to make a difference, so lap it up baby!

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