Ok, so I have been dreading everyday since like Monday the 10th. Since I hadn't started my period and my temp would not drop. (charting) Well finally I did start and I was so happy and so crampy and frustrated at the same time. But I ended up being 5 days late but whatever, as long as I start it can be a little late.

Then Saturday I went to get a hair cut. And it took 1 1/2 hours to get it done! She spent 20 minutes just washing my hair! And I had just gotten out of the shower before I went. Then I told her exactly what I wanted. (I have to do this other wise they always mess it up) Then after about 45 minutes she says I don't think you would like it if I cut your layers higher so I think you will like this better. 45 minutes later!!! Come on if you disagree with me let me know I can handle it, really I can. But anyway I sat there for the hour and a half and watched her cut my hair as slow as she possibly could. I like the cut and everything, but still should it take that long to cut my hair??? Here is a before... really long poofy hair.
So then I come home, too late for a nap now! But anyway I start to get ready for Jason's work Christmas party, and straighten the rest of my hair, put the pantie hose on that I bought. (not that I wear pantie hose I just thought I should wear them to the party to seem more dressed up)

But the were so dark even though they're called nude (ya right) even when I had a tan which I don't anymore I was never that tan. So no more pantie hose. Then thats when I started. Fun Fun...Still getting ready...Ok Jason starts to get ready, must be nice! So we finish and leave. Woo Hoo on time. Then we get there and I notice I didn't put any jewelry on. No earrings no necklace, just my bracelet I always wear. Oh well cant do anything now. Then one of the bosses decides to sit by us. Greaaat... well it wasn't bad they were nice and friendly so not too bad. Everything was fun and dinner was good. Entertainment was great and music was nice.
So my weekend was great, ended by game night on Sunday with the Davis'. Which we decided has to be on a different night since both our kids don't do well on Monday, getting ready for school and what not. So Fridays and Saturday would probably be a lot better.
I think you wear your hair up that I didn't really notice the cut! It looks good. Yes, no more Sunday night game nights!!!! LOL You know what they say, even we have consequences!
Hair looks great! And you can thank Moe...I can finally find your sight again, it was lost in my computer abyss.
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